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Have you heard that “your Network is in your Networth?” It’s a quote by the infamous Jim Rohn. Tim Sanders teaches on it and Porter Gale wrote a book about it. Networking is happening all over!  Don’t miss an opportunity to plug into the community.


Considering the Following Tips:

Be Prepared:

Think about who you want to meet at the event. Have a plan, and ask others who will be at the same event to help you meet the people on your list. Bring your business cards! (or QR codes)

Be Easy to Talk to:

Listen to what others have to say. Have a positive, upbeat attitude. Ask questions and listen.

Be Ready to Follow Up:

Once you’ve made a connection, don’t lose it. Schedule time to email or call important connections within 24 hours. If you promise to provide something, do it.

Be Genuine

Encourage authenticity in building connections. This builds real relationships rather than mere transactions. This will lead to stronger and more meaningful connections in the long run.

BONUS! Maximizing Social Media

Social media is a wise way to stay “top of mind” with your connections. Connect with The Patsy Mink Business and Leadership Center for FREE Social Media Marketing counseling.


Check out the  and select EVENTS CALENDAR for upcoming networking opportunities